Maximus, the couple’s youngest child, was released from the hospital after eight days, according to a Sunday afternoon Instagram post by Chelsea, the wife of Los Angeles Dodgers player Freddie Freeman. Chelsea announced on social media earlier this week that Maximus, age three, has a severe case of the uncommon neurological disorder Guillan-Barré syndrome. The post stated that full-body paralysis was one of Maximus’ symptoms.
“Max still has a long road ahead of him to regain his strength and relearn how to walk,” Chelsea wrote on Sunday. “But we are so thankful to have our family back together.”
According to Mayo Clinic, the syndrome is “a condition in which the body’s immune system attacks the nerves. It can cause weakness, numbness or paralysis.” According to a post made by Chelsea earlier this week, Maximus was removed off a ventilator on Wednesday. The Freemans think that Maximus’s viral illness during the All-Star game in Arlington, Texas, last month was the cause of the problem.
Freeman’s turnaround came just after manager Dave Roberts announced on Sunday afternoon that he might play for the Dodgers again as soon as Monday or Tuesday after missing the previous eight games. After reaching his seven-day limit, Freeman was officially moved on Saturday from the family emergency list to the restricted list.
Chelsea wrote, “Thank you God for this miracle.” “Thank you also to our amazing medical staff and angelic nurses for providing our son with such excellent care. And to our village, which has been of great assistance with Charlie and Brandon.
(Photo of Freddie Freeman: Charles LeClaire / USA Today)